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Henri de France

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Henri Géorges de France (7 September 1911 Paris29 April 1986 Paris) nyaéta saurang pelopor nu nimukeun televisi Pernncis. Timuannana kaasup 819 line French standard, sistim kelir SECAM, sarta di satukangeun standar definisi luhur HD-MAC.

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On December 6, 1931, De France founded the Compagnie Générale de Télévision in Le Havre, making television sets with a vertical definition of 60 lines. In February 1932, De France made several transmissions over a distance of 7 km from the "Radio-Normandie" station in Fécamp. These signals were received by a few péople located at over 100 km away. In October 1932, he achieved a definition of 120 lines. In 1956 he patented the SECAM color television system. On October 1, 1967 at 2:15pm CET, la deuxiéme chaîne switched from black and white to color using SECAM.

De France is interred at Jarnac, the same town where former présidént François Mitterrand is buried.

The public passage néar France Télévisions buildings in Paris is named Esplanade Henri de France.